Business Development

“Take the sure first step toward Digital Transformation (DX)”
Supporting Business Development in the Era of DX

Business Development in the era of DX requires extremely capably upstream design specialists with a wide variety of experience and skills in areas such as hardware, software, data and design. Uhuru has experience working on hundreds of POCs since the dawn of the IoT age. As such, Uhuru’s doesn’t stop with armchair philosophizing, but provides a team specializing in helping clients take the sure first step toward DX.

Absolute success POC protocol design / operation consulting
(PoC Protocol & Criteria Planning)

Fly by the seat of your pants PoCs don’t work. Poorly thought out PoCs without clear goals are examples of PoCs whose designs easily invite failure. Uhuru provides protocol design and the operational support to ensure that PoCs don’t fail.

Reverse DX Business Development Consulting
(Backdraft Disruptive DX Planning)

Uhuru doesn’t take clients for “DX from the in-house technology and intellectual property”; “DX borne from internal meetings”; and “DX that starts with a cry from the top”. We start by clarifying the issues faced by the end users who ultimately choose DX services and then proceed to design development. We place the focus on the “optimization” indicated by Industry 4.0, and working backward from marketing data, support planning for DX business development. Because the users’ issues are the starting point, user reaction can be immediately felt using this new era business development method.

New World DX Scenario Creative Production
(DX Image Perspective)

It is often hard to for people both inside and outside the company to realize the value of DX in terms of elements such at “products” and “services”. The important thing is how that DX enriches daily life, how it changes the current environment – a common world view perception. This is not just imagination, but a specialized staff with deep understanding of engineering designing products using CAD from the start, creating an on-site use scenario that anyone can imagine and spreading your company’s DX image both internally and externally.

Flexible hardware and software upstream design consulting
(Software & Hardware Device DX Upstream Design)

It is virtually impossible for software and hardware developers and development companies to join in conversations without clear requirements or specifications. But in DX business development, there are many pieces of the puzzle at an idea level that you’ll want to discuss with engineers. Uhuru has many engineers who are skilled at business requirements and further upstream to communicate with by bouncing fluffy idea level thoughts off of to expand possibilities. We can further distinguish your company’s DX from both the hardware and software perspective.


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