Data Analytics

Collection / Analysis / Tool Support / AI Algorithm Implementation
Comprehensive support for areas related to data

Uhuru provides comprehensive support for areas related to data, from re-evaluating data structures and new data collection & analysis, proposing analysis methods that lead to problem resolution, BI tool adoption and training support, to implementing AI algorithms.

Support for resolving problems through data

Whatever you business demands, we can generate the perfect output using data, such as Web logs, internal operational data, environmental sensing data, etc.

• Visualizing your data (preparation, processing, BI tools)
• Probing measures to increase revenues
• Understanding causes for improving brand image
* Creating ways to improve the comfort of spaces

Uhuru can handle situations where the data doesn’t exist yet. We perform studies on methods for collecting data and device installation.

Produce multi-faceted data management structure for ease of use.

Construct Data Warehouses (DWH) to make visualization and analysis easy by re-evaluating data structure from the ground up.
From grasping the current situation to rolling out tools, the sequence of flows is implemented through internal alignment to achieve the ideal form.

• Grasping current situation and discovering issues
• Study analysis methods that lead to resolving issues
* Organizing KPIs and Benchmarks
• Determining suitable data retention format
• BI Tool Selection
• BI Tool implemenation through utilization support. Ex. Tableau implementation and training.


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